Musings and projects and geekness, oh my.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This has been one of those week's in which I've felt behind all week. In work, at home in the evenings, when I wake up in the morning again. It's not that I'm actually behind or that I have projects that I'm in the middle of and can't finish, it's that I *feel* like I'm behind. And all the while my brain feels like putty; like I'm trying to think through fog. Maybe not fog, maybe just a light mist. Either way, can't think of anything interesting to expound upon.

So I think I'll just share something that was shared by Jon Hodgman via his twitter-feed a few week's ago. If you go here to this google map of a location in Pittsburg, and click on "Street View" you'll see them. No, go and look. I'll wait.

Seen them now? Yep, those are LARPers and they can be seen in another view which someone else blogged about here. It's not just some weird coincidence that these guys show up on Google maps. There was actually a big project to create specific scenes and groups of different people at different places in Pittsburg so that they would show up on Google Maps at street view. Or as Hodgman described it, "a street-long art project/google mind-eff." Full details of the project with pictures and everything can be found on their main website here. Go, browse, it's amusing.

Meanwhile I'm finally watching The Forbidden Kingdom. Not a great plot, but the kung fu is pretty good. I do enjoy some fun and/or drunken kung fu. Best fun kung fu though is not Jackie Chan's drunken style, but Jet Li's Monkey King; he really does gain all the winsomeness of a simian.

So for now, "Leopard style, Dragon style, fly through air, fight on water, Crouching Tiger, Spanking monkey." (The Forbidden Kingdom)

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