Musings and projects and geekness, oh my.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Growing up...

So this weekend was spent with Kurt's family celebrating the dual birthdays of April (his brother's on Saturday & his sister's on Sunday) with a big family get-together/lunch. Nearly the entire lunch conversation was centered on the recent pregnancy of Kurt's sister (about 2 months along, due in November). It was interesting to see her so happily pregnant when every story I've heard about her growing up (and even into college) was that she always said she was never going to have kids. This coupled with my own doctor's appointment today touching base with my OB/GYN and asking those last minute planning questions before Kurt and I start trying to have a kid of our own, it's starting to make me think, "when did I grow up?"

After hearing of the doctor's appointment today, Evan commented to Kurt that it was weird for him to think of his best friend's starting to have kids. My response to this is *I* still find it weird that I'm going to start have kids of my own. I was never in a hurry to settle down and start a family; I wanted to get school and work settled before trying to raise kids. But time passes and 30 is around the corner; that and over the past year life has become more settled. Last May I finished my M.A.; Kurt & I finally tied the knot in July; and in January Kurt & I found a new place with more room. The next step is obviously kids.

Even with all these steps and all the time that's passed since HS, I still don't feel like an adult most days. Yes, I work a full-time job and pay bills and all that jazz, but I come home and spend many hours a night on the couch reading comics & stuff online and watching movies. I look forward to catching at least a couple midnight showings of summer movies again this year. I still buy lots of amusing (yet strange) t-shirts to wear (over long-sleeves in the winter of course). I still feel like I'm a young twenty-something fresh out of college; at least until I start complaining about the state of the youth these days.

Oh well, I better enjoy it while I can, 'cause once you have kids your life changes; it'll be good change, but change is always scary. Until then I shall start taking my folic acid.

But for now, "That sure as hell sounds like some super-hero-captain-tightpants bullsh#t to me man." (White Noise 2)

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